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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of £1500£1500.00
  • Preferred option
    3-month payment plan of £500 / month3x £500.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!



If you're ready to get into the water and stay in, choose this three-month coaching package. 

This is for you if you want a more spacious container that enables us to explore things as they bubble up and dive deeper into persistent challenges. 

We will get together for fortnightly 60-90-minute coaching walks along the Cornish coastline. These can be done in-person or via Voxer and wheelchair-friendly options and gentler routes are available. 

Or we can have a 45-minute Zoom session combined with an exercise or reflection for you to do in your nearest blue (or green) space in your own time. 

This package includes 6x sessions over three months, a questionnaire for you to complete, unlimited Voxer support (Voxer is a ‘walkie-talkie’ style app that enables us to exchange text messages and voice notes). 

  • Total payment
  • 1xSwim£0

All prices in GBP
